All over the American media is talking about how the government is listening in and recording phone conversation, emails, and texts from American citizens. Our local news station asked the viewers on their input on this. I was surprised to a lot of their reactions. Many were in support saying they have nothing to hide so it shouldn't be a problem.
Has American become so lethargic to our rights that is being stripped away? The government uses phrases of "For the good of the people" and "For our protection..." to make people believe that the government has our best intentions. This is using a fear factor tactic to sway those to believe that the government is there to keep us safe. How many rights must be taken away to keep us safe? At what cost must we pay to feel "safe" in our own country?!
From the start of school it is indoctrinated in the little children's mind that the government is there to take care of them.
"Send your children off to day care for the day care can take better care of your children."
"Let us feed your children because the government knows what foods are good to feed your children."
"Let us teach the children that guns are bad and that it should be reported if someone has a gun."
"Let us choose what the best care is for your health because the government does a great job on taking care of your health."
And I could go on and on. These children are learning to rely that whatever the government says is gold. They know what is best because they run the country. People in Washington D.C. does not care what is going on in every little town and in every neighborhood. But they still want to control it. As long as we, citizens, obey and do what the government likes then there will be harmony in Washington. This is NOT what America if founded on.
All those that have died in the Revolutionary War need an apology. They have died to start a new country away from the tyranny of England. We did not want a King to dictate what the country does. They wanted the citizens of the new country to have a choice in how they live and how they raise their family.
As children in school we had 2 drills, a fire drill and a tornado drill. Perhaps if you lived in the far west you also had an earthquake drill. Today's children now have to have lock-downs of what would happen if there was a shooter in the school. That is sad that elementary school children have to live in fear of someone walking in the school shooting people. Their right of safety has now been taken away and stripped from them permanently. And more and more rights will be taken from them over their years of growing up.
A holocaust survivor, Leon Leyton, talks about the beginning of WWII and how people asked why didn't the Jew's stand up to the Nazi's when the Nazi's started attacking them. Take note from the time 2:09 to 8:40.
He mentions that the time right up until the war officially started the Jews were told that this would be just a small inconvenience to put up with until the war was over. They believed the Holocaust would of never went to the degree that it did. Most of the rules were silly ones like the Jews couldn't sit in park benches in the park. Most didn't want to waste the time to argue with it. They would just sit in the grass instead. Then more and more tighter restrictions took place. Before they knew what was going on it was too late to take action against the Nazi's.
Must we wait, America, before things go too far before we realize that we had too much taken away from us?! How many more rights must be taken from us in order for us to feel protected. The only protection we need, right now, if FROM the government. We need less government involvement in our lives and let us live our lives as WE see fit. We need to take a stand and say enough's enough or else it will be too late for America.
The sad part about all of this is that we elected these people to represent our voice and instead they are tearing apart our country little by little. It's our fault, America. Our fault.
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